Darlene Schlueter
Gina Mangine
Becky Lachtman
Jennifer Tschanz
Hospitality Chair
Sarah Briere
School Spirit Chair
Sam Gudiño
Garden Club Chair
Casey Mangine
Facilities and Maintenance Chair (Fix-it-Crew)
Steve Ferriolo
Parent Teacher Group (PTG) serves as a support body representing all St. Patrick parents and teachers, offering relevant and cooperative assistance to the school through fundraising events and academic (Mind), community (Body), and spiritual (Spirit) activities.
PTG shall strive to build the school and parish community by promoting the Augustinian values of Unity, Truth, and Love that reflect our Catholic faith.
The PTG uses its resources, both manpower and monetary, to support the efforts of the staff and to provide learning and enrichment opportunities for our children. We are looking forward to meeting families, parents/guardians, and grandparents that would like to get involved with our PTG this school year. This is a wonderful way to find out what is happening at our school from the PTG’s perspective and to share new ideas. We will need as many volunteers as possible to help us make this another great school year!
PTG Meetings 2021-2022
PTG Meeting Minutes
Opportunities for Involement
- Be part of the Garden Club – The St. Patrick School Garden Club is a diverse, volunteer-based group of individuals looking to share their time and talents to improve our school garden. For more information contact Casey Mangine at
- Become a Fix-it-Crew Team Member – The St. Patrick School Fix-it-Crew is a diverse, volunteer-based group of individuals looking to share their time and talents to improve the campus facility through regular repairs and maintenance as well as major improvement projects. For more info contact Steve Ferriolo at 619-538-2662.
If you are interested in being part of the St. Patrick PTG or have any questions, contact PTG Co-Presidents, Darlene Schlueter and Gina Mangine