
PIP - Parent Involvement Program

St. Patrick School thrives because of the balance of school support and parent involvement. Volunteering
at your child’s school is a great way to get involved while meeting the parents of your children’s friends
and making great friends yourself.

St. Patrick School relies heavily on volunteers to make special events and activities happen each year. These special activities not only enrich our children’s educational experience, but foster a sense of connectedness among members of our school community. Parents and caregivers are the primary educators of their children, and children learn by example. When our kids see us giving our time to a good cause, they learn to do the same. We hope they carry these lessons of mutual responsibility and generosity with them beyond St. Patrick School and into adulthood. Another unique benefit of Catholic education!

If you are interested in a Major volunteer opportunity, scroll down the page.

Volunteer Opportunities

St. Patrick School always needs your help! Here are some ideas to help you get involved. Check the Events Page for the latest requests for volunteers.

  • Room Parent
  • Sports Team Coaching
  • 8th Grade Graduation
  • Kinder Graduation
  • Fall Festival
  • Field Trips
  • Auction Gala & Dinner
  • Daycare During Gala
  • Lenten Soup Night (Parents Night)
  • Field Day (Drivers, Hot Dogs, and Games)
  • Hospitality
  • The Shamrock Open Golf Tournament
  • Children’s Liturgies
  • Art Class Assistance
  • Catholic Schools Week

Major Event Volunteer Interest Form

If you are interested in a major opportunity like chairing a Festival booth, Please consider signing up to lead one or more of our volunteer lead opportunities. See front office for details.

Note: Volunteer opportunities listed do not include festival weekend opportunities, classroom volunteer time and field trips. The following are only the major event volunteer opportunities that require a high level of commitment.